Does Target Have Tap To Pay – Contactless Payments Explained

Tap-to-pay has become a popular and convenient payment option, especially for those who want a quick and secure checkout experience. I use it all the time whenever I’m out shopping, whether it’s at a grocery store, fast food spot, or retail spot.

Target has recognized this growing trend, and, as a result, they’ve adapted their stores to accommodate contactless payments. So yes, Target does have tap to pay at its stores. This means you can now use your phone or contactless card to complete your purchases at Target stores.

Incorporating contactless payments offers a more seamless shopping experience. I’m a big fan of it, and many top retailers and merchants are also beginning to embrace this technology. Target is also offering options that take mobile wallets, contactless cards from providers like Visa, and even wearable devices.

Target’s Mobile Payment Options

What I love about Target is that they are open to several mobile payment options in their stores like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay. This is a great welcome considering Walmart still has customers stuck with Walmart Pay as the only real mobile payment option available.

Let’s briefly get into each of Targets mobile payment options.

Apple Pay

For those using Apple devices, Target accepts Apple Pay as a form of contactless payment. You can use your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch to make purchases simply by holding your device near the contactless symbol at Target’s checkout terminals.

Within seconds your payment will be verified to whichever method you have on file, and your transaction will go through.

Apple pay thats connected through your smartwatch also works too, just hold it near the transaction device.

Google Pay

Google Pay works in a similar fashion. If you have an Android device, you can use Google Pay by tapping your phone on the payment terminal at Target stores. This method ensures a secure transaction as it utilizes tokenization, which replaces your card details with a unique and temporary code for each purchase.

Samsung Pay

Last but not least, Target enables Samsung Pay for Samsung device users. This is what I use since I’m an android user myself. Similar to Apple Pay and Google Pay, you can tap your Samsung device on the contactless terminal at checkout to complete your purchase. Samsung Pay also uses tokenization for enhanced security.

Sometimes I’ll use my S-watch to make payments as well. So I have the convenience of not just my smartphone.


In select stores, customers can use Alipay to make purchases at Target. This allows for mobile payments but only if the store is authorized to do it.

Tap To Pay Options For Target RedCard

What makes RedCard even more enticing is its tap-to-pay feature. The Target Redcard MC now offers a contactless symbol on the backside of the card, enabling you to make transactions with just a tap. Not only does it save time when you’re checking out, but you can still reap all the benefits that come with using the card.

Here are the steps on how to use your RedCard with the tap-to-pay feature:

  1. Look for the contactless symbol at the payment terminal
  2. Hold your RedCard near the terminal, ensuring the contactless symbol on the card is facing the symbol on the terminal
  3. Wait for the terminal to confirm your transaction, which is usually done through a beep, green light, or a checkmark

The only catch is that you can’t add this card to your mobile wallets. Target specifically points out that RedCards cannot be added to digital wallets like Google Pay, Apple Pay, or Samsung Pay. So, you’ll need the physical card still, and can’t just opt for your device if you want those benefits.

Your RedCard account can be easily managed online using the Manage My RedCard feature on Target’s website.

Pros and Cons of Tap to Pay at Target

While I love contactless payments, I know that its not always the same experience at every retailer. While Target is mostly a great place to use tap to pay, it does have some limitations. First lets look at the positives:


  1. Convenience: One of the most significant benefits of tap-to-pay is convenience. With contactless payment technology like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, you can complete transactions in seconds using your phone, or other enabled devices, such as Apple Watch or Fitbit Pay.
  2. Faster Checkout: Tap to pay helps to speed up the checkout process. Instead of searching for cash or fumbling with your card, tap your phone or wearable device to the payment terminal, and your transaction is complete in no time.
  3. Increased Security: Contactless payments are considered safer compared to traditional card transactions. With tap to pay, you don’t need to hand over your card, reducing the risk of stolen card details.

Then, we have some small issues that can arise with tap to pay which include the following:


  1. Limited Card Acceptance: While tap-to-pay is becoming more popular, only some card providers and banks support this payment technology. Targets Redcard is also not eliglb for mobile wallets, although you can still use the physcial card.
  2. Technology Dependency: Tap to pay relies on your phone or devices with the necessary technology, such as Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled. This means that if your device doesn’t support NFC or if you encounter any technical issues with your phone, you may not be able to use tap to pay.

As you can see, various pros and cons are associated with using tap to pay at Target. However, there is a ton to love about it, and its really easy to use. The next you’re out there shopping, give it a try!

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