Can You Take A Stroller In Walmart
When you have kids, sometimes a stroller is a non-negotiable aspect of your trip. You may feel like you need a stroller, especially if you have more than one child. You might still ask, Can you take a stroller in Walmart?
Yes, you can take a stroller in Walmart. Since most Walmart stores do not have escalators, you will not have to worry about being restricted with a stroller.
Thankfully you can bring your stroller in Walmart stores. While this might seem like an easy answer, keep reading to learn more, as well as some dos and don’ts when it comes to bringing strollers in stores.
Can You Grocery Shop With A Stroller
Getting an entire order at a grocery store like Walmart can be difficult with a stroller, but it can be done.
Shopping with a stroller might seem like an impossible task, but if you have more hands to help, it will be easier.
Bring at least one other person with you when you grocery shop, if possible. This can be a partner, friend, older child, or teenager.
Having more people with you means that one person will be able to push the stroller, and one person will be able to push the shopping cart.
If you are by yourself or only have younger children with you, it may be easier for you to put your child in a shopping cart rather than bring your stroller with you too.
Can You Put Items In A Stroller While Shopping
You can put items in a stroller, but don’t forget to pay for them.
If you’re running into Walmart or another store for a few items, you might be tempted to put your items in your stroller while you are shopping. That way, you don’t need to get a cart too.
While I would not recommend doing this unless you have to, you can put items in your stroller.
The following are a few things to remember if you plan on using your stroller as a shopping cart:
- Do not forget to pay for any of your items.
- Do not let your child take anything from the store without paying.
- Don’t look sketchy; store employees may think you are trying to steal.
- Bag all your items when you leave. This is, again, to combat the misconception that you are stealing.
5 Unspoken Rules To Follow When You Bring A Stroller In Walmart
Here are a few rules that no one tells you, but you should follow when you bring a stroller in Walmart.
Do Not Leave Your Stroller Where It Will Be In The Way
This one should be a given no matter where you are, but do not leave your stroller somewhere where it will be in the way of other shoppers.
You might be tempted to leave your stroller in an aisle after you pick up your crying child while you go find something.
No one will get mad at you for doing this, but I recommend that you do not leave the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle, for instance, or where it will be blocking a common shopping list item.
Try Not To Let Your Young Child Push The Stroller
It’s cute when your toddler’s older brother wants to push the stroller, but you should not let your child do this in crowded stores.
Your child means well, but it can cause issues like:
- Blocking other shopping
- Hitting other shoppers or carts
- Bumping the stroller into shelves
- Knocking items off shelves and endcaps
Pay Attention To People Around You When Pushing A Stroller And Cart
Anytime you have a stroller, you’ve got to be careful and mindful of those around you. Whether thats someone walking close by, another child running, or just someone in front of you.
Being aware will help ensure you don’t run into them. Or, the reverse, them running into you!
Don’t push the stroller too fast, especially if the store is crowded. Always look around the aisle before entering or exiting to avoid unwanted collisions with other customers!
Make Sure Your Child Is Secured In The Stroller
No one likes an angry toddler running around, so ensure your toddler is secured in the stroller.
Buckle your toddler into your stroller. I know you may want to give your child the freedom to get up and down, but that also means that you’ll need to watch your child and ensure they’re not taking things off shelves and not bothering other customers.
Having your child strapped in will make your life easier, too, so heed this advice well!
Take A Breath
This one is to make you feel better: take a breath.
I know it can be stressful when you are shopping with kids, whether one or two or more.
It’s never easy to juggle your shopping trip with watching kids, and you may stress how others perceive you.
A child that is bothering other customers will certainly garner more attention, but for the most part, most other customers will understand why you have that stroller and why you’re looking frazzled.
What Can I Use Instead Of A Stroller In Walmart
Strollers aren’t the only way to maneuver your kids around Walmart and other grocery stores.
Throughout this article, you might have decided that bringing your stroller in Walmart is not the best idea, but you have options other than bringing your own personal stroller inside.
Instead of a stroller, you can:
- Use the shopping cart with the space to put your child.
- Put your car seat in your shopping cart where older children can sit.
- Hold your baby, which is easier if you have someone else to push the cart.
- Wear your baby so you have free hands to push the cart and get your groceries.
Personal strollers may be the most convenient and comfortable way for your child to be taken around Walmart, but that isn’t your only option.
As with almost everything about being a parent, taking your child to the grocery store will be infinitely easier if you have someone else to help you!
Hi there, I’m JJ, and welcome To EverydayQuery! Founded in 2022, we created this project to be the most complete resource on the web for your everyday questions regarding retail, shopping experiences, and overall consumer questions. We’re a team of passionate consumers whose mission is to provide the best answers to your everyday questions.