Can You Sell Things In Walmart Parking Lot

Whether you’re looking to sell your handmade crafts or t-shirts for your local nonprofits, you need somewhere to sell. What better place to set up than the high-traffic Walmart parking lot? Before you toss your table in the car, you better research this: Can you sell things in the Walmart parking lot?

You can sell things in a Walmart parking lot, but you will need permission from the store and a license to sell items from the parking lot. 

Parking lot sales can certainly be done, but you must go through the correct process first. Stick with me in this article to learn what you need to do and how to do it!

Can I Sell Things In Front Of A Store

You can sell things in front of a store if you have permission and a license to sell.

Store Permission

You’ll first need store permission because the parking lot and area in front of the store are the store’s property.

Most stores, including Walmart, have rules about selling products on the property, so you’ll want to speak with the store to see what they are. 

The store will want to know why you are there, when you will be there, and what you will be selling. 

Plus, the store will want to know if you are there in case something happens on the property, in which case the store may be deemed liable. 

Fundraisers and nonprofit sales will also need approval, so don’t think you are exempt if you are part of one of these organizations!


You also need a license to sell, which you may need to file for with your state.

It can feel like an additional pain, but the license is the state’s way of ensuring it can collect sale tax. Even if you are selling a wreath you made at your kitchen table, that is taxed, and your state will want to collect that tax.

Your license can be obtained by submitting the proper application. You may also need to pay a fee, though it should be minimal. 

If you sell on behalf of a nonprofit, these rules will change, so look into them!

Is It Illegal To Sell In Front Of Walmart

It can be illegal to sell in front of Walmart or the parking lot if you do not have a license to sell items.

Without a license, you could get into trouble. If that isn’t bad enough, your products may be confiscated by authorities, meaning that you may be out of your products and any profit you may have made.

I would recommend that you also check laws and zoning laws in your state and your municipality. Each town or city can have different rules about how you can sell, where you can sell, and when you can sell.

4 Ways To Get Permission To Sell Things In Store Parking Lot

As we’ve already covered, you need permission to sell in the Walmart parking lot, so you’ll need to talk to Walmart.

Thankfully, you have a few options for contacting someone from Walmart to get permission to sell.

Call The Store

The first way to contact Walmart is to call the store you are looking to sell at.

All you need to do is to speak to the manager on duty or, ideally, the store manager. 

You may be on hold for a little while until the manager can take your call, but hang in there! It will be worth the wait.

Email The Store Manager

Emails can be hard to find online, but if you have an email for the store manager, this is the second method to contact the store about wanting to sell in the parking lot.

Make sure to include information like:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Why do you want to sell in the parking lot
  • When you want to sell
  • What you want to sell
  • Any additional information that the store manager may find helpful

Never send an email without expressing your thanks!

Meet In Person

If you’re a go-getter, this third method may be best for contacting the store manager.

I recommend you go to Customer Service and ask to speak with the store manager. Since you don’t need the manager because you want to complain, assure the employee that nothing bad is happening.

Again, you may find yourself waiting for a little while, but an in-person conversation can be a great way to start a relationship.

Go Through Walmart Corporate

If you’re unsure who you need to contact at Walmart and have some time to wait, you can consider contacting Walmart Corporate for permission.

This method will certainly take longer than the other methods of connecting directly with your Walmart store manager.

Corporate may be able to help you with getting permission to sell in the parking lot, but they may also send you back to square one and tell you to speak to your store’s manager.

Can I Make Money In A Parking Lot

It is possible to make money selling your items in a parking lot.

Parking lots can be a great place to set up a table and sell your items if you’re armed with a license and permission from the store.

Parking lots are:

  • Highly visible
  • Wide open
  • Gain a lot of foot traffic

All those factors mean that you will have a lot of eyes on your booth, but there are some drawbacks too, including:

  • Getting ignored by people who don’t want to be bothered
  • Being exposed to the elements, such as wind and rain
  • Being in a more dangerous place since you are in a parking lot

If you think the trouble is worth setting up in a parking lot, I think it is worth the try. I wish you good luck!

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