Does Family Dollar Hold Your First Check

Suppose you have decided to start a job at Family Dollar, congratulations! As with any new job, it can be exciting and stressful initially while you learn how to navigate a new company’s rules and systems. 

A natural question you might have when you start working at Family Dollar is how their payment process works and when you will get paid each month. For most people, the primary motivation behind a job is financial compensation, so you will want to know when your paycheck hits your bank account. 

The way each company handles the process can be a little bit different. As a Family Dollar employee, you will be paid every two weeks or bi-weekly once you start working. Family Dollar does not withhold your first paycheck for any reason. 

As with most other companies, you will be paid according to Family Dollar’s payment processing schedule. Most companies that operate under a bi-weekly pay period will process their employee checks on the first and fifteenth of every month. You will want to confirm with your Family Dollar Human Resources representative to confirm your two paydays during the month. 

How will I get my first check from Family Dollar? 

When you start working at Family Dollar, you should receive communication from the Human Resources team regarding how you would like to receive your payments.

At Family Dollar, you will have several options for how you would like to get paid each pay period. Once you establish your payment method, you can expect to receive your paycheck during the next pay period. 

What are the ways to get paid at Family Dollar?

When filling out your onboarding paperwork before starting your job at Family Dollar, you will be asked to pick among the various payment options. The only payment option not available through Family Dollar is getting paid in cash, as paying employees in cash is complicated and logistically challenging for larger corporations. 

The easiest and most common option is to set up a direct deposit into your bank account. With this method, the money gets automatically transferred to your bank each pay period without effort, making it easy to pay bills and pay off your credit card.

When you set this up, you typically need to provide your routing and account information to your employer to send the money to the right place. There is usually a delay of a day or so while the money gets processed into your account. 

Another way you can receive your paychecks is through a check in the mail. If you select this route, a physical check will be mailed to your home after each billing period. The downside to this method is that it is slower, and you still have to cash the check once you receive it. The advantage is that you have more flexibility with where you put the money if you receive a physical check, and you will have physical proof of employment. 

If you do not have a bank account, you can ask for your paychecks to be put onto a debit card or payment card. While some states have regulations against employees solely getting paid this way, it is worth checking if that is your preferred option. 

Can companies hold your first paycheck?

It is an old myth that companies hold your first paycheck when you start a job. This is not true at Family Dollar or most other retail employers. Unless it is explicitly stated that they withhold your first paycheck for a specific reason, no employer should do this. It might seem like your job is withholding your first paycheck due to the accounting and pay period windows. 

Depending on each company’s pay period and the day of the month you start working, you may not get your first check for a few weeks. Nowadays, getting paid for work the same week you do is uncommon. In addition to the payroll processing, the proper withholdings must be taken out of your monthly paycheck for taxes and Social Security contributions.

Can I cash my paycheck at Family Dollar?

Unfortunately, cashing your paychecks in a Family Dollar store is not an option. To have a check cashed, you must visit your local bank, an ATM, or a confirmed retailer that does cash checks. Most people opt to be paid by direct deposit to avoid the hassle the check depositing process creates. 

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